
The Best Griselinia For Sale In NZ Plus Many Other Hedge Varieties

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Griselinia For Sale Auckland, buy best griselinia littoralis nz

The Benefits Of Planting Griselinia

If you are like most people living in suburbia today, you will understand just what little privacy new homes have. Looking for Griselinia for sale and planting a griselinia can be a real game changer when restoring privacy and increasing security.

Griselinia Vs Road Noise

Griselinia can also help reduce road noise substantially due to their thick, high water content leaf and overall density. As a hedge, they are the perfect choice for people who live near main roads, train lines, and public thoroughfares. Nearly all people that plant griselinia report an instant drop in outside noise coming into the house. This noise suppression only increases as it grows and becomes a much thicker and more dense bush.

Planting Griselinia Can Actually Benefit The Elderly

Reducing noise levels is especially beneficial to older people and those easily disturbed by outside noises when trying to sleep. It also relieves many shift workers who struggle to sleep while humanity buzzes outside.

Shift Workers Too

For shift workers, when planted close to their bedroom window will do wonders for assisting them into a relaxed state. They are then able to sleep without being disturbed.

The Origins Of Griselinia In New Zealand

Griselinia is native to NZ. It is mainly in the north island and small areas of the upper south island. Unfortunately, in many parts of the south island, the climate throughout the year is just too cold. Consequently, They could be more frost tolerant. However, a hybrid variety boasts a beautiful variegated leaf that all seem to tolerate the lower south. Unfortunately, the South islands brutal and regular frosts are too much for most types.

A First Hand Account In The South

On a recent trip in June last year, we noticed many of these slightly different colored griselinia flourishing. These were much cooler, almost frosty, temperatures. However, many of these were mostly in somewhat sunny spots. We found only a select few hidden in undergrowth and some further into the bush under a deep canopy.

A Sight To See

Finding so many doing so well in these isolated and damp conditions was heartwarming. We had always suspected they would not reach their full potential in areas like these. We will return to these same spots this winter to check on how well they are doing.

Healing With Griselinia – The Oil Of The Gods

Now here is something I bet you never knew about this plant. Griselinia also has the most remarkable healing capabilities of any plant for healing the body of many conditions. Conditions that traditional medicine struggles to recover. It has a powerful effect on the mental state of the brain.

Griselinia contains a strong potent juice that people extract from the plant. It has an almost instant effect when taken as drops under the tongue.

Deep Healing

When used as an oil it can also help clear and heal deep spiritual blockages, as many people have reported. Unfortunately, a small bottle retails for hundreds of dollars. That is if you can find it.

The Many Reasons To Plant Griselinia

You are about to read here there are many other notable and convincing reasons for planting this hedge on your property. However, you will soon see that the benefits are enormous and only create a more serene and visually pleasing feeling. The appearance on and around your property is especially notable.

So Pleasing To The Eye

To begin with, there is the beautiful color of the plants themselves. They are the most beautiful lime green color you have ever seen. Whether in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Northland, or Cambridge, all comment on how beautiful the plants look. Once in the ground, they instantly enhance the look of their tired-looking property.

Griselinia Bragging Rights

It’s not unusual for them to send pictures of these plants to their friends, family, and associates straight after planting. They want to show off their new griselinia and how it has transformed a particular area of their home. Usually, a place that was previously boring, blank, or just lacking luster.

Planting Griselinia Can Increase The Value Of Your Property

Another essential to be considered when planting Griselinia is how much it can increase the rateable value of a property. This price increase is due to the extra privacy and security hedges created as opposed to the lack of screening.
Many of our client’s properties have increased $30-$50k in value once their hedge is established and well-trimmed. Therefore, when potential buyers look at the property to purchase, they happily pay more for a property with a hedge.

Trust The Experts

Over the years, we have worked with many real estate agents who are well aware of this fact. Many advise their clients to install griselinia in dead or untidy spaces or even to hide an old fence. Hedges help make the property look more presentable than it was previously. In addition, lovely hedges give potential home buyers a much better first impression when they walk onto the property.

Instant Visual Impact

The immediate impact of that beautiful color combined with the fantastic privacy that grisilinia can create is a real eye-catcher. This contributes to how buyers see the property the first time they enter it for an open home. Maintenance is also easy to maintain once they get established, requiring trimming only once or twice each calendar year.

Also, due to the narrow leaf, these trim up exceptionally well and always look amazing straight afterward.

Griselinia – A Top All Rounder

These are the most incredible and beautiful hedges that you can buy. They are simply an all-around hardy hedge that homeowners across the nation adore. However, many people still need to learn about the many benefits. In addition, most people need to understand what they can do for the average property.
Plant it today. You will not regret it.

Buy Best Griselinia Auckland

How To Choose The Right Griselinia Hedge

So you have been looking around at griselinia for sale. However, you have noticed that there are several different species. Deciding which variety of griselinia will suit your location and landscape is complex. Below we have written the complete guide to choosing the proper griselinia hedging.

Griselinia Littoralis

By far one of the most popular Griselinia due to its delicate leaf and excellent overall health once established. It trims up nicely and easily and requires minimal attention once over 1500mm in height. Littoralis suit all property types, especially when planted against a black fence or wall.

The Soil Tolerance

They are very tolerant of most soils, including clay. The only soil situation they do not like is soggy, poorly draining soil. These types of soil will cause them to get root rot. However, treatment is easy with our unique product in stock should you have drainage issues.

griselinia littoralis hedge growth rate, griselinia littoralis cutting benefits
Griselinia Littoralis

Foliage Matters

This variety of griselinia has very dense foliage, which is excellent for privacy. If regularly trimmed, with good watering, compost, and some mulch, your griselinia littoralis will become lush and full. It ensures little to no holes when fully grown. It also makes this variety excellent for blocking road noise when planted along boundaries.

Griselinia Growth Rate

They will generally grow around 700-800mm annually but can increase to 1m with the proper treatment. Griselinia littoralis is our biggest seller and is gaining even more popularity by the day. For anyone looking for griselinia for sale, this variety makes an all-around fantastic hardy hedge. They also require very little input from the homeowner once established.

The Correct Spacing For Griselinia In NZ

When spacing your griselinia hedge plants, we always plant our 700mm grade at 330mm apart or 3 per meter. We plant our XXL grade of 1200mm plus at 500mm or 2 per meter.

Dont Make This Mistake

Planting them at the recommended 750mm or 1 meter apart will only result in tall skinny griselinia. They will never form a proper hedge. Furthermore, you will end up with gaps and holes everywhere.

Bad Planting Advice From Garden Centers & Google

We get calls from people asking about griselinia spacing as they have read conflicting reports. They have often called their local nursery or plant center and consequently advised large spacings. Anywhere from 750mm to a whopping 1500mm.

Although these outlets may have some plant knowledge they often have little experience in the field actually planting them and seeing the subsequent results of their advice.

Solid Griselinia Spacing Advice

When planted at 500mm spacings the plants need to compete for the light with each other and grow across/through each other in order to get good light. The end result is a nice dense hedge. We plant these everyday year in and year out so we actually have the hands on experience to give this advice.

Every week we get calls from people who have planted Griselinia and they are not growing into each other. Our first questions is “What Spacings Are They Planted At” and the answer is always too far apart. We often plant extras in between them to help our clients form a proper hedge. So take it from someone who plants them everyday….Bushy Griselinia littoralis over 1 meter tall can safely be planted at 2 per meter to form a full hedge.

Griselinia Lucida – Large Leaf Native

This variety of griselinia hedging has a more overall roundish bush shape making for very soft lines along its length. Griselinia Lucida looks especially good in large gardens, lifestyle blocks and along boundary lines. It is also a New Zealand native and grows particularly well in in all areas of Auckland. Unlike Broadway mint, Littoralis and Whenuapai the Lucida has substantially larger leaves that appear very shiny.

The Best Places To Plant Lucida

When it comes to where to plant this variety Griselinia Lucida is not too fussy where you plant it. We have seen them flourish just as well in clay rich soil as they have in volcanic soil. However like most varieties the only soil they struggle to survive in is wet soggy soil with poor drainage.

broadleaf, Griselinia littoralis – Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Griselinia Lucida "Akapuka" NZ for sale
Griselinia Lucida “Akapuka”

Trimming & Growth

This species is also happy partially shaded or in the full sun. They also dont mind dry conditions too much either and are a fantastic at attracting many native birds into your garden. Griselinia Lucida will generally only grow to around 3 meters tall but in the right conditions we have seen them grow to in excess of 4 meters tall.

Be sure to trim this variety regularly as it has long solid branches that can become very thick and woody making them difficult for many hedge trimmers to cut through. It can also lead to empty woody patches if your hedge requires a heavy cutback due to overgrowth. The Lucida variety will keep its shape best when trimmed often.

The Correct Griselinia Lucida Spacing

As far as spacing goes we like to plant these at 2 plants per meter to form a nice hedge. After planting we highly advise people to add compost around the base of the plants followed by at least 100mm of mulch to provide nutrients and retain moisture within the top of the soil where the bulk of the roots reside.

Compost & Mulch Every Year

For good plant health and a happy hedge we recommend doing this every 12 months to keep their shallow root balls nourished and protected from external elements. Dont forget to check out the best range of griselinia for sale auckland has to offer by visiting the Hedging link at the top of the page.

Griselinia Whenuapai

Last but not least we have the third species in the family, Whenuapai. This variety appears as a darker green version of broadway mint. There are a few subtle differences though. This variety grows much much slower and is best suited to planting in small groups throughout a garden or as individual trees. It is a lot slower growing than its closest cousin.

As they mature their leaf size will become larger than broadway littoralis giving the plant a softer look. They trim well and are actually very frost tolerant compared to other griselinia for sale.

Griselinia Littoralis Whenuapai Buy In Auckland
Griselinia Littoralis Whenuapai

Where To Plant Them

We find this variety of griselinia best suits larger properties and lifestyle blocks due to it’s eventual size and appearance. Again with their soil, like all other varieties, they can handle anything but soggy wet feet so always ensure the soil below them is well drained and that they are not sitting in water just waiting to rot. These guys also respond well to regular trimming and put on regrowth fast after a good trim. Tipping them every 6 weeks will keep their growth hormone flowing which will ensure a nice full and fast growing plant.

How To Give These Griselinia The Best Environment Possible

As you have probably read above they absolutely love compost and mulch spread around their base. This should be done annually as part of the regular maintenance of your griselinia hedge. Griselinia Littoralis Whenuapai are quite content in all light conditions put prefer a mix of light and shade where possible.

They should be watered every two to three days and in dry weather a moisture meter will be your best friend when it come to seeing how much water they are actually getting after a 20 minute watering as some soils can be slow to take up water.

Well there you have it, everything you needed to know about our NZ species.

Griselinia Hedge Spacing NZ

No matter where you look or which garden centers advice you seek you will always find a variation in the advice you ultimately receive. Whilst the general consensus is to allow a gap of 750mm – 1500mm this gap will rarely form a nice hedge free of any gaps or holes. Why plant closer you ask ? Well here is why !!!

Advice For Griselinia Under 700mm Tall

When hedge plants are planted at the above mentioned distances the plants have no close neighbors partially blocking their light. They can get all the sunshine they need and pretty much just grow straight up instead of bushing out to form a hedge. Now by planting your griselinia at 330mm gaps (3 per meter) you will start to create a small light deficiency between the plants due to them being placed so close together.

As one branch grows across the path of another blocking its light the affected branch will grow around the branch blocking it in order to reach the light. The end result is griselinia hedge plants that have grown into and around each other to form a nice tight hedge.

A Common Enquiry WE Get About Griselinia Spacing

Every week we get calls from clients asking if we can come and add some hedging to an existing hedge as it does not contain enough plants. By getting you spacing right from the very onset you will almost be guaranteed a perfect dense hedge without holes, gaps or blank patches.

New Zealand Hedging Plants – Why Is Griselinia The Most Popular ?

When it comes to creating beautiful, functional, and low-maintenance hedges in New Zealand, Griselinia stands out as a firm favorite when choosing New Zealand hedging plants. This native evergreen plant has become a go-to choice for gardeners across the country, and for good reason.

With its vibrant green foliage, fast growth, and adaptability, Griselinia ticks all the boxes for both seasoned gardeners and newcomers alike. But what makes it so special? Let’s dive into why Griselinia continues to reign number one for New Zealand hedging plants.

I still remember the first time I saw a Griselinia hedge in full glory. It was at a friend’s house, where the hedge formed a stunning backdrop to her garden, separating her property from a neighboring farm. The lush, glossy leaves created a seamless wall of green that looked polished and inviting.

I couldn’t help but ask her about it, and that’s when I discovered how incredibly versatile and easy-to-care-for this plant is. Inspired, I decided to plant my own Griselinia hedge, and it’s been a decision I’ve never regretted.

One of the key reasons Griselinia is so popular among New Zealand hedging plants is its ability to thrive in a variety of climates. From the cooler regions of the South Island to the warmer, coastal areas of the North Island,

Griselinia adapts effortlessly. Its resilience against wind and salt spray makes it a fantastic choice for seaside gardens, while its tolerance for frost ensures it remains a reliable option in colder inland areas. In my own garden, which is exposed to regular coastal breezes, the hedge has held up beautifully, showing no signs of stress or damage.

The fast growth rate of Griselinia is another feature that makes it a favorite among gardeners. When I planted my hedge, I was amazed at how quickly the plants began to fill out, providing privacy and structure within just a couple of years.

This rapid growth is particularly appealing for homeowners looking to establish boundaries or screen unsightly views without waiting a decade for results. With regular pruning, the hedge stays dense and uniform, creating a polished look that’s easy to maintain.

Griselinia’s vibrant lime-green foliage is also a standout feature. Its bright, cheerful color adds a fresh and lively feel to any garden, making it a fantastic backdrop for other plants.

I’ve paired mine with native flax and flowering perennials, and the contrast between the soft green leaves and the bold textures of the other plants creates a visually stunning display. Even in the dreary winter months, Griselinia retains its color, providing year-round beauty and consistency.

When it comes to New Zealand hedging plants, Griselinia is so beloved due to its low-maintenance nature. Once established, it requires very little effort to keep it looking its best. Regular watering during the first year helps the roots establish, but after that, it becomes relatively drought-tolerant.

I water my hedge occasionally during extended dry spells, but otherwise, it’s incredibly self-sufficient. A slow-release fertilizer in spring is all it takes to keep the foliage lush and vibrant.

Pruning Griselinia is simple and rewarding. I trim mine twice a year, in late spring and early autumn, to maintain its shape and encourage denser growth. The hedge is forgiving, so even if you’re not an expert with the shears, it’s easy to achieve a neat finish. For me, shaping the hedge has become a meditative task, a chance to step away from the hustle of daily life and focus on something creative and satisfying.

Griselinia’s hardiness extends to pest and disease resistance, another major selling point for New Zealand gardeners. While no plant is entirely immune, I’ve found that my Griselinia hedge has been remarkably trouble-free.

On the rare occasion that I’ve noticed pests like aphids, a quick spray of soapy water has been enough to resolve the issue. The hedge’s robust nature means I can spend more time enjoying my garden and less time worrying about maintenance.

The versatility of Griselinia is another factor that adds to its popularity. Whether you’re looking to create a tall privacy screen, a low boundary hedge, or even a decorative garden feature, this plant adapts beautifully.

A neighbor of mine has shaped her Griselinia hedge into a series of gentle curves, adding a touch of whimsy to her formal garden. Another friend uses it as a natural divider between her vegetable patch and flower beds, where its clean lines provide structure without overpowering the space.

For New Zealand gardeners looking to establish New Zealand hedging plants in their garden, Griselinia is more than just a plant, it’s a symbol of how functionality and beauty can coexist in the natural world. Its ability to thrive in our unique climate, combined with its low-maintenance requirements and stunning appearance, make it the ideal choice for hedging.

Whether you’re planting a hedge for privacy, aesthetics, or both, Griselinia offers a solution that’s both practical and visually striking.

As I sit in my garden, looking at my thriving Griselinia hedge, I can’t help but feel grateful for this remarkable plant. It has transformed my outdoor space, adding structure and elegance while requiring minimal effort on my part.

For anyone considering a hedge using New Zealand hedging plants, it’s hard to go past Griselinia. Its popularity is well-deserved, and once you’ve planted it, you’ll understand why.

If you’re ready to bring this versatile beauty into your garden, start planning today. With a little care and attention, your Griselinia hedge will reward you with years of lush, green growth and timeless appeal. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a complete beginner, Griselinia makes it easy to create a space that’s as practical as it is beautiful.